Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain


It has been raining all day long and yesterday too. pretty much non stop, finally today our street flooded again. Our neighbor was kind enough to venture out and drive our car up on the sidewalk, just in time too because when he opened the door a little water splashed in but it hadn't started to really get inside the car. After two days spent mostly inside the house we are in need of a sunny day. It is a lot warmer outside now than it was this morning and I am hoping that it stays warm for tomorrow and the rain clears up so we can get out, Chance really needs to run around. With out day inside we crafted snowmen and snowflakes from construction paper to tape to our windows and had a good time playing with cars and cleaning the house and playing hide and seek. Chance is just starting to get into hide and seek which is lots of fun, he likes to count while I hide. Also today he brought me a pretzel shaped like the letter Y, he was holding it up in the air saying "Y, Y, Y". I think he might be ready for alphabet soup. He's not a huge soup fan but he might be if it has fun letters in it, I'll get some next time we are at the grocery store and we'll find out. Picture # 1: this is what happens when you are inside all day, he starts sitting on tables, he's still trying to hide his face so I don't get his picture. Picture # 2: if he is sitting on the couch he just lays down when you try to take his picture

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