Sunday, March 29, 2009

City Park

This morning we all went to City Park to enjoy the sunshine. We took some crackers to feed the fish and ducks then stopped in an area with a great little bench and room for Chance to run around, which he loved. We threw a bunch of crackers in the water which the fish ate and just when we thought there would not be any ducks for us today a little duck couple came swimming by then climbed up on the bank right next to us. Chance was able to follow them down the bank until they decided to fly away.

From Friday

I am behind in my postings so we are going back in time to Friday night. Friday Chance and I went to the 3 ring circus to a concert for kids before picking Scott up from the airport. Chance really enjoyed himself more than he did last time when we went a few months ago. He was really interested in the music and the musicians. They let kids go up on stage if they want to dance or if they know the words to help sing. Chance found the stairs and went up on stage multiple times to dance. He was so cute, if the singer noticed he was there and asked if he wanted to sing he would shy away. dropping his head and saying "no" but as soon as she wasn't paying any attention to him he started dancing and clapping again. He had a good time. I took these videos of Chance up on stage.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Giveaway/other blog

Remember way back when I mentioned blogging for profit? Well, I have been developing another blog, Mom's Not All for that purpose. It is far from finished and actually has a little bit to go before it even looks exactly the way I want it to but I am running my first collaborative giveaway and want to invite everyone to join. I have teamed up with Courtney, Daughters of Eve for a pretty cool giveaway.

I don't want or plan to have the new blog be a giveaway blog. In a perfect world it will have my thoughts on current events with little antidotes here and there from my life as well as extra thoughts on parenting and motherhood since that seems to be popular in the "mommyblogger" world, it will definitely not be as much Chance and play-by-play family news as this blog. But giveaways are great for boosting readership and readership is what I need to be able to charge for advertising on my site and so you see how this all goes together now.

The giveaway ends at 9pm on Sunday so go now and check it out, and if you are not related to me then please enter the giveaway. If you are related to me thanks so much for your support I invite you to comment on any posts you find interesting on the blog as well as sign up to follow my new blog anything along this order helps me build the validity and respectability of my blog in the blogosphere.

Oh yeah, and just in case you make or sell anything that you might want to donate to be included in a giveaway just let me know because I would love to work with you toward something that I really think would be a win/win. I really like this giveaway because it is working with an Etsy seller, I like the idea of being a small business helping out a small business. The community feeling of helping each other out, so I hope to have all of the giveaways in the future be handmade or independent items.

For the blog post telling you how to enter just click on the "collaborative giveaway" link above or go here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi, Grandma!

We spent the day resting and going to the park with Scott's Mom. She is in town for the week from Portland. Chance loves having more people to pay attention to him and give him lovies. Since we didn't do a whole lot today there isn't much to say right now. At the park today Grandma kept trying to get a picture of Chance with her phone but he moves like a speeding bullet so it is all a blur. I was able to snap this picture of her trying to get a picture of him and you can see he is already on the move.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kythryne Visit

A very dear old (and by that I mean we've known each other for ever) friend of mine was in town over the weekend. It was totally unexpected but last Friday I think is was she sent me an email and said she was going to be in town this weekend. She was on the road with a sort of traveling circus. She makes wonderful jewelry and was part of the show bending wire to music, it was pretty cool (I was able to go to the show on Saturday) and we were all able to hang out Friday night, nearly all day Saturday and Sunday morning before they all got back on train to head back home. Kyth lives in New Hampshire now so she has a long was to go on the train as a matter of fact I am not sure that she is even home yet. We tried a few times to get a picture of Kyth and Chance together but he was a mover and shaker this weekend and as you can tell from the pictures I have here would not stay still for very long. It has been a long weekend and I am tired. Today our goal is to make the house neat and clean before we go to pick up Scott's Mom from the airport tonight.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Words List:

thank you
Love you too
choo choo
George (as in curious)

I am sure there are more but this is what I have for now.

He has also started using two word sentences like "green car"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

playdate at the park

Chance had a really eventful day at the park today. We went to a new area of Audubon park. Not really new but an are we had never spent much time in before. We met the other people from our playgroup over at the playground today. We started out at a big fountain where Chance got wet splashing his hand in the pool of water then worked our way over to the playground where we played for a while. you might remember from a previous post that one of our Moms has a bicycle with one of those little trailers attached to pull her daughter? You might also remember Chance liked climbing inside? Well, today was no different and he spent a good bit of time in there after they arrived, just playing around. Then Chance moved on to trying to climb a tree. When he saw some older kids climbing it he really wanted to go up but the branches were really high and I couldn't keep hold of him so I didn't let him go up in the tree. For that he was very upset he kept circling the tree and saying "tree," it was a little sad but there was nothing to be done. Soon he moved on though to the playground, then to spinning the pedals on a bicycle parked nearby which fell over but he was not hurt only scared a little and so he sat on my lap and I was finally able to sit down and talk to the other Moms for a few minutes then it was back to chasing him around. After a little longer of that we went to feed the fish. We have these orange cheese peanut butter crackers that Chance usually doesn't like so I brought them with us to feed to the fish and squirrels and ducks. Of course he now had to eat some but that was ok we threw them in the water and the little fish loved them. For me this was the best part of the whole day just relaxing by the water feeding the fish. I think Chance liked it too because we sat on the roots of a tree for close to half an hour feeding the fish and he never got up to run around.


These are three videos that were taken before we left for Atlanta last week. In one of them you can here Chance singing along to the Thomas Theme song.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Today is our anniversary. Scott and I have been together for 10 years. That is crazy. A whole decade? yep, it is true. Unfortunately we can not be together today. Scott is working in California and I am here in New Orleans with the little guy. Since we couldn't be together we both took pictures of ourselves today and uploaded them for this post. I hope all this time apart is "worth it" in the long run because right now, especially today it just feels lonely. Scott will be home on the 27th and his Mom is coming to visit on the 24th so maybe we can go out to dinnerCheck Spelling the weekend he comes home.
I miss you so much. I love you with all my heart and am very glad to have been with you all this time. If when all this travel is over we don't have lots of money or houses it won't matter as long as we still have each other.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

this is really new

There is a new feature on Metroblogging that is still in very early beta but when I post on there I can now really easily share it here with you so I am going to try it

Sprinkler Days

Today was a Sprinkler Day. I am so happy those days are back and hope they are back for the rest of the year. At least until November. This morning we went to return some books at the library and hung out at the park for a little bit then aftre Chance's nap we went out in the yard with the sidewalk chalk and turned the Sprinkler on. Chance loves running around in the sprinkler and so he did today until he was soaked. I sat farther out of the way drawing with chalk he would come over every couple minutes make a few stcribbles then run over to the sprinkler again.

Chance's vocabulary is getting much better I am going to work on a list of words that he has and post it here soon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

We are home safe

We got home on Saturday night. We drove the whole way in the rain. It never stopped but we made it and taht is what counts. Deedle was glad to see us, he had stayed behind and our wonderful neighbors took care of him. Good care of him too, they took him to the dog park every day. We hung out with Scott on Sunday then, we had to get up super early to drop him at the airport this morning. Chance and I went to the park even though it was raining but after the last couple days stuck in the hotel room and car he needed to get out and run around. The rain didn't bother him at all. This is a picture of Chance looking out the window at the hotel. He could get up on the stool and look out, he liked pointing out all the cars on the street below.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fountain with lots of pictures

This is how it started. On Tuesday we saw all the little kids playing in the fountain at first I said no we would come back tomorrow but after we watched them play for a while longer and since Chance had a onesie on so he had something to go in I changed my mind, took his pants and shoes off and let him go. He had a great time. At first he just got close but would not go in so to show him how to do it I braved getting wet and ran in with him. The fountain is a lasting memorial to the 1996 Olympic Games. it is in the shape of the five rings. There are spouts of water all along the rings that shoot up and down in a pattern all day long so if you hit it just right you don't get wet. We were lucky and I did not get wet or rather I was lucky since I don't think Chance would have cared. After a little while Chance was ready to go on his own so I made my way back out of the fountain and sat nearby to take pictures and let him play. And play he did getting closer and closer to the water all the time. He would get splashed but it wasn't until the very end that he was brave enough to walk between the spouts of water. Which is kind of funny because he is so little that he could walk between the spouts and not get wet from them at least not directly he would get sprinkles on his head but he fit between the spouts so none of them would hit him. Each time all the water would go down he would say "uh, oh" and when they would all come up he would say "wow." He is funny. After playing in the fountain for nearly an hour we walked back to the hotel. On Wednesday we were more prepared. I packed his swimming trunks and a whole set of clean dry clothes. He ended up in his socks, trunks and onesie since shirts and shoes are required to play in the fountain. It was a little cooler out and the wind was blowing a little which made it nice in the sun but a little cool in the shade. Did this stop Chance? No! he was ready to go in the fountain no matter what. HE played in the fountain until he was shivering and finally said yes when I asked him if he wanted to get dressed. They have a show that plays four times per day where the fountain spouts along to the music for a few songs. We were able to watch it both days, which both Chance and I really liked. Wednesday we met up with Scott in the park after he got off work but he wasn't quit in time to see Chance in the fountain. Instead we picked up dinner at Subway and walked back to the hotel. My days are out of order now because I went back in time with this post but you already saw Thursday morning (Botanical Gardens) and then we just hung out for the rest of the day until yesterday night when we went to dinner with Aunt Jenny. We rode the MARTA, which is Atlanta's Subway/public transit system, to dinner. Chance really liked riding the "choo choo." Two thumbs way up for Jenny's choices for outings on Thursday because much like the Botanical Gardens, the Flying Biscuit (her choice for dinner) was super tasty and great for kids. It all hinges on the 'good with kids' part and to add in great food is the pinnacle of culinary experience when dining with a 2 year old. It was nice to get to talk in a more relaxed environment compared to that morning. Anyway I don't know what we are going to do this afternoon. And just for those who are paying attention the Aquarium is not free like the informational website said so I don't think we will be going there after all. Maybe back to the park this afternoon if the weather stays ok. We have to concerve our resources since we may have to pay to go in somewhere tomorrow depending on how much time there ends up being between check out time and the time Scott finishes work and then the drive home begins.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Botanical Gardens with Aunt Jenny

This morning we had a play date with Aunt Jenny. Jenny is a lawyer whose office building is in Downtown Atlanta just a few minutes from our hotel so we met her there. The building is very nice and Chance had a great time exploring. First we met Jenny in the lobby which I was a little nervous about because I had never actually met Jenny and I had only seen her picture a few times but she had the blog and all of these posts to see pictures of us so she spotted us right away. As soon as Jenny and I hugged Chance took her hand and started leading her around the lobby. Chance was enjoying exploring so much Aunt Jenny took us up to the top floor to look out the windows at the whole city. I think you could see for miles. Chance pointed out the cars and the fans we could see that were part of the air conditioning on the roof of a nearby building. Then rode the elevators back down to the car and drove to the Botanical Gardens. This was a perfect choice of places to go with Chance, they have wonderful gardens that are just getting replanted from winter and a great children's area. Chance enjoyed exploring all the different things there were for little guys. Of course he found the slide which he enjoyed climbing up and sliding down. Between the two of us we got lots of pictures today. With two people on camera we got him from both angles. Too soon Jenny had to leave to return to work leaving Chance and I to explore a little mroe which we did until it was time to return to the hotel for nap time. We are going to try to met Jenny again for dinner tonight but still not 100% sure that Scott will be off in time to do dinner. We will see. It was very nice to meet Jenny after the last few years of exchanging Christmas cards and she always gets Chance such nice Birthday/Christmas presents (think rocking horse). Thanks for making the time to get together with us today, hopefully we will see you tonight. There are lots more pictures Ifrom today I am going to start uploading to flickr now so they should all be up there soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mastering the slide

These are a few more pictures from the park today. We went again this morning and then met Scott for lunch. The park is so big and only 1 1/2 blocks from the hotel it is great. Chance is getting good at going down slides "the right way." He is also getting braver and braver. First he only picked the little straight slides and then he moved up to short spiral slides and now he will do long slides and long spiral slides he still isn't a huge fan of tunnel slides but he is working his way up to them. I think he is pointing at a helicopter in the second picture. They had this really cool slide that you can see in the third picture that was made up of a bunch of little rollers. It kind of made you bump as you went down so if you talked or said "aaahhhh" as you went down it made your voice wobble. Chance liked that one and since there weren't many people at the park this morning he was able to go up the stairs and down the slide over and over.

In the Park

Yesterday after Chance woke from his nap we took off toward the park. This is the Centennial Olympic Park where some of the festivities for the 1996 Olympics were held. It is rather large with a stage and fountains and two playgrounds as well as other areas. Most of the fountains have been turned off due to the drought in these parts. But there were plenty of other things to do, like chasing pigeons for example which Chance had a rather good time doing. Then we walked over to the playground and played there for a long while yesterday. There was one place in particular that Chance liked and that was the music area. Near the playground they have all these different things that make music. Chance really liked the chimes(?), he is playing them in the second picture. He liked them so much he didn't want to share them when other little kids came over and had to take a time out on a bench but then when he went back he was very nice and ready to share again. After we were done at the park we went to the picnic area and where we ate peanut butter crackers which have fast become one of Chance's favorite snacks. Then we walked around to grab a drink at the little cafe where My Mom, Grandma, Chance and Myself ate lunch the year we came to the Coca Cola Museum. On the way back to the hotel we got stopped by a working fountain and we went in, but that is a story for a whole other blog post which I will post later today/as soon as I can.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In the ATL

For those of you who don't know we are in Atlanta this week with Scott. We left New Orleans yesterday and spent the night in Montgomery, Alabama then drove on into Atlanta this morning. The daylight savings time change then moving into Eastern Time threw us off so we made it in a little later than planned but safe and sound and they even had our hotel room ready so we could check in early. Scott went straight off to work so Chance and I set up the hotel room and now he is supposed to be napping but he keeps climbing out of the Pack-N-Play that the hotel provided. Hopefully he goes to sleep soon. Since we are without a pack-n-play and he is almost too talk for one anyway last night Chance slept on the couch. I made sure to get a suite, since we were using our Hilton Honors points it didn't cost anything extra so Chance would have his own place to sleep. This is the first time he has slept anywhere that wasn't his bed or a pack-n-play. We took the cushions from the back of the couch and put them in front of the couch to make a soft landing in case he did roll out in the night. At first he wasn't super excited about the idea. But after a couple times of putting him back to bed he fell asleep and didn't wake up the whole night.
Our hotel here in Atlanta is right downtown only a block to work for Scott and two blocks from the Cenntenial Olympic Park and Aquarium (which is free, we are definitely going there this week) so we have plenty of places to explore plus we are meeting up with Aunt jenny one day this week to go to the Botanical Gardens. The internet here at the hotel is fast and free so I will keep you all updated on our adventures this week.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Birthday Party

Today we went to Sophia's birthday party. Sophia and her Mom Erica have been in our group for a while now and today Sophia turned 2 years old. This is the first time we have shopped for a present and actually been around for the recipient to open it. Chance was great and after I explained it to him in the store a few days ago he seemed happy to give the present to Sophia and that it wasn't his. Today he had a great time playing with all the "new" toys and the little kids at the party. It was funny to be in their house because Sophia is such a girly girl everything is pink and purple. Sophia would put her Barbie doll in the Barbie Dream Car and Chance would drive it around. Sophia's Dad though collects matchbox cars so there is a glass case in the front room with cars still in their boxes, the really rare ones. It only took Chance a minute to spot those but there were plenty more (not in the case) ones to play with plus I always carry a couple on me. I think Chance had the most fun looking through one of those big coffee table size books for collectors of matchbox cars telling you how much they are worth. He loves cars and books so much he just looked through the whole thing for a while and then would go back to it periodically throughout the time we were there. Sorry these pictures are go grainy I had my camera on a weird setting that did not lend itself well to these indoor photos. Picture #1 was taken by Erica's Mom then picture #2 is the little guy wanting a lift and picture # 3 is Sophia and Chance playing with the new toys Sophia just opened. That dress is too cute.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Petting Zoo

On the way to the official petting area they had some other animals out to pet so we were able to pet a ferret, a snake and a big spiky lizard. Chance was very brave and gentle when petting all those new animals. He is a pro at the petting zoo. He ran in through the gates while I was putting our backpack in a cubby for safe keeping (our lunch was inside). Chance went right over to one of the goats and patted him very gently on his back then he squealed and laughed and jumped up and down. He went over to another goat and patted him then did his little dance again. He did this with nearly every goat and sheep in the area(picture 1 and 2 with Haley from our group). One sheep was eating some straw and Chance just watched and watch pointing at his tongue and teeth He seemed to be amazed that the sheep had teeth just like him (picture # 3). There was one little goat that came over to me when I leaned down to get on Chance's level and started licking my arm (picture # 4). I guess he liked the taste of sunscreen because he licked and licked my whole arm. Chance thought it was very funny. He probably would have stayed in the petty zoo area for a while longer but it was getting warm and late so we walked around to see the monkeys and then before we got out the gate Chance climbed on the dinosaur in the last picture. They have a dinosaur exhibit starting on the 14th of this month so we will have to come back and see what that is all about. It shouldn't be a problem since both Chance and I really like the zoo.


We went to the Zoo today with our playgroup. We did a lot of new things at the Zoo that we have never done before. First we went on the Merry-Go-Round. Ok to be truthful I had been on a Merry-Go-Round before but this was Chance's first time. At first he did not want to sit on the horse so I held him and we stood next to the horse until it got going around then he sat on the horse and had a good time going around and around. It was hard to get a good picture of him on the horse because I didn't want to let go of him though he sat up straight and held on tight. We rode one more time because we accidentally bought two tickets. I didn't know you only pay for kids and the adults are free so I asked for two tickets. The second time around Chance didn't want to sit on an animal at all he wanted to go SEE the animals so we sat on one of the benches which was just fine. After the Merry-Go-Round we went to the petting area of the zoo which filled up Chances need to see animals.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Old Pictures

I have been working on scanning in a bunch of old pictures that I found in boxes not too long ago. Most of them are of my and my sister when we were younger but there are some of Mom and Dad and some friends. If you are interested in looking them over please feel free. I labeled them as best I could with names and some places. I only added dates if the date was listed on the back of the photo.

Music Playdate

We had another music playdate at our house today. Chance is usually standoffish with other little kids in the beginning especially new kids that he doesn't know. He gets along well with them and isn't mean but he usually keeps to himself for a while till he warms up to the room. Well, not today. There was a new little girl that we had never met before, Sophia and Chance took right ot her. First, he ran to his room and got a car then ran back out and gave it to her. I couldn't believe he had done that. I thanked him and told him what a good job he did sharing but that wasn't all. Later he tried to give her a hug which he never ever does. He was being so sweet and nice to her. After we did our music they sat in his Cars chair together and Chance showed Sophia how to play the Bass. He would pluck a string and then wait for her to pluck one. It was sooooooo cute. He has never done this with any other little girl or boy it was fun to watch them together. And a great introduction for the new Mom and Sophia into the playgroup. At least they know that they get along with the other people in the group.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Shovel to good use

For Christmas Chance got a shovel and rake that are just his size. We have not been able to use them until today because the weather has been so off and on. Today it was still chilly this morning but by the afternoon it was ok to go out in the yard, so we did. They go the new fence up behind the house so Chance and I took our shovels around to replace some of the dirt that had been moved around during fence construction. Chance drags his shovel behind him to get over to where he wants to be but once he got it over to the back fence he was actually helpful moving the dirt.