Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Scott and Chance playing Spongebob Squarepants Theme on Piano

Chance is very into the piano, he plays on it everyday to some degree. I sit with him and we pick out notes to different songs or we just move up and down the keys. Lately I have been playing two different notes and asking him which one sounds higher or which one sounds lower. He is learning lots of little music bits here and there. Scott picked out the Spongebob Squarepants theme recently and even gave Chance his own part to play. They do a great job playing their parts together and singing. Enjoy.

Chance's new robe

Scott and I each have our own robe that we wear most mornings and other times when a good comfy robe is called for. For a while I had thought about getting Chance a robe but never saw the right one at the right time until this Christmas. Just before the big day I saw this robe at Target and made him try it on right then and there. He seemed nonplussed but I went back a few days later and got it for him anyway and wrapped it up for Christmas.
Our robes hang on a hook in our bedroom and so we hung his on the little row of hooks we got at IKEA in Portland last summer. His hooks are low so he can get it anytime he wants. He wears it some mornings but his favorite time to wear it is right after he takes a bath. It's so cute on him, this is him all clean and warm in his robe.

Self Portraits

Sometimes Chance gets a hold of my camera and snaps some pictures of himself. I didn't even know these were on my camera until I loaded the pictures into the computer for the first time since Christmas today. That is when I found these cute pics.




For those of you interested I finally got some pictures uploaded form Christmas so here is a direct link to the Christmas 2010 set.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Making Art

At the same place where Chance is taking his Acrobatics, Yoga and Fun class they also teach art. They invited us to a free class they are having for the month of January and so we went to check it out. It is also a drop off class that is 45 minutes long. This time Scott and I left while Chance stayed behind to play and make art. When we got back he didn't want to leave he was having such a good time. He made a couple pictures which are now proudly displayed on our refrigerator and he made this colored pasta necklace. We decided to hang it from the rear view mirror on the way home. Chance keeps asking now, when can we go back to class? I think that means he really likes the classes.

Family Friendly Concert in the French Quarter

Last Friday we went to a family friendly concert in the French Quarter. We had been to this concert series before and had fun. This time Chance was the only little kid though there were a few other people just no children. He had a great time picking out which instruments to play and then he would pick one out for me, then half way through the song we would switch. They have this concert once per month so we will probably be going back in February.
Here are a couple pictures of him playing the washboard, cute!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Acrobatics, Yoga and Fun Class

I had heard good things about City Park Movement and Art and turned out we even know one of the little girls that also takes classes there so we decided to sign Chance up for a couple classes this month to see what he thinks. The first class was an Acrobatics, Yoga and Fun class which he will be taking every Thursday. The classes are drop off classes, that's right we don't stay with him, we just drop him off and then come back to get him 45 minutes later. It's a big step, different than anything we have done before but I am liking doing it in little steps, 45 minutes at a time.
Since with was the first class I stayed, just to see what goes on in a class and to make sure Chance was comfortable. Just like every other class we have ever taken Chance started out right by my side, then he moved to his yoga mat and I moved over to sit against the wall. At first he didn't want to do anything but then about half way through he started opening up and by the end he didn't want to leave.

Here he is walking backwards down the blue line. It wasn't easy but Chance was pretty good at it.

After everyone walked and jumped along the blue line Miss Nikki pulled out the mat and everyone took turns doing somersaults, donkey kicks and cartwheels. Chance did a great job following direction, it was hard for me not to jump in to help a few times but he did a wonderful job all on his own with a little instruction from the teacher.

Below Chance does the donkey kick right on the first time.

Like I said Chance didn't want to leave when the class was over so we will definitely be back for the rest of the month and maybe next month if he is still into it. These classes work great for us since they run in one month cycles he can take fun classes and we still have the flexibility to travel as we do quite often.

Silly Boy

Last week we went to a playdate at a local coffee shop. Chance had a great time playing with his friends that he hadn't seen in a few weeks. When I asked him if I could take his picture he put on these glasses and gave me this face. He'll do what you ask him but he is going to do it his way.