Thursday, June 25, 2009

O.J. At the Welcome Center

This picture is from our drive to FL. They give away free orange juice at the FL welcome center so we always stop there to stretch our legs and grab some O.J. Chance gets his own little cup which he really enjoys because it makes him feel like a big boy.

Too cool

He is so cool he naps wearing his Batman sunglasses. It doesn't get much cooler than that.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Driving to FL

We are driving to Fort Myers. We were originally going with Scott to San Antonio and then Atlanta but both of those things fell through so to save my sanity Chance and I are going to spend the week with my Mom while Scott is in the ATL.

These are a couple pictures of Chance having fun in the back seat on the drive down.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hapy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there especially the one who lives with us. I just want to say a big thank you for all that you do for both me and Chance.
Scott and Chance have been having a great time these last few days. Enjoying a lot of Daddy and son time, wrestling on the bed which Chance calls "play bed."
This first picture was taken just yesterday while watching some tv, which is another favorite Scott and Chance pastime, Pee Wee's big Adventure I think.
This cute video was taken a few days ago when Scott made a whistle out of a straw and began to play and Chance chimed in. They are quite a pair. Chance loves his Daddy very much and recently has been greatly enjoying copying things that he does which probably also has something to do with this video. I recommend you turn your speakers down to start because it can get loud.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Last weekend we drove up to Covington, LA about an hour from here to a wonderful little organic blueberry farm. I have never been to a u-pick farm and of course neither had Chance. When we first arrived we checked in, received our buckets and plastic cups (for water), were told which rows we could pick and off we went. Chance was a good picker for the first 30 minutes, he has definitely reached the 'I do it' stage even though he doesn't use those exact words. I told him to pick the blue ones, that the pink ones were not ripe yet and he said "no, mommy," If I left him alone he would start picking blue ones, he just needed to make the decision to do it on his own. He helped pick for the first half hour then he would start wondering off through the rows of blueberry bushes, he was having a good time winding through the plants then he would come back to where I was sitting diligently picking blueberries with one little berry. He would proudly add his berry to the bucket and wonder off again. He was also a big help moving the buckets, as I would work my way to another bush he would pick up both of our buckets and move them down too, which was actually very helpful. One of the farm staff drove a golf cart carrying cold water in coolers drove between the rows. Every time it came by Chance would grab his plastic cup and run over saying "water, water." Most of his water ended up on him rather than in him because after he had a few sips he liked to play with it but either way it cooled him down and he was having a good time. We arrived at 9am and by the time we left at 11am it was already very hot. By the end Chance had stopped running around and since his bucket only had an adult handful of berries in it so we poured his berries into my bucket and turned his bucket upside down to make a seat where he planted himself for the rest of the time.
He has recently become more in tune with his dramatic side and is happy to share it on camera more and more. He has really started working on posing for the camera as you can see in these pictures.
When we got home we found some really tasty and easy recipes for our blueberries. One bucket comes in at 10 pounds though so even after making 4 jars of jam and 4 jars of blueberry butter we still have a 1 gallon ziplock bag in the freezer and a smaller ziplock bag in the fridge. I think its time to give some to the neighbors.
We had a great time, I will have to look for other farms to pick other fruits and vegies in the area. This would be a great thing to do on vacation if you had a way to get them home relatively soon or if you were staying with someone, it would be great to pick some then purchase the ingredients and make some jam to leave as a 'thanks for letting us crash at your place' gift.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chance finds Boise

In Chances room there are two big maps on one of his walls, one of the world and one of the USA. I think I have posted here showing how our house, Nana and Grandpa Von's house and Grammy's house are all marked on the map. The original reason I got the maps was to show Chance where Daddy was when he travels. For a long time he listened but didn't seem to care and then all of a sudden he did. last week when Scott was in New York Chance started pointing to New York when I asked where Daddy was. When we returned from dropping Scott at the airport this week I showed Chance where Daddy was going. Then the next day I asked Chance where Daddy is, Where's Boise and he pointed to it all on his own. I daho is shaded green on our map so he gets a little confussed with Texas and Nebrasks both also shaded green but after another try he gets it everytime. So that is what this video is of.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yep Those are eggs

Does this really need a story? I bet you guys can guess who made this mess.

Friday, June 12, 2009

All work and no play....

Makes jack a dull boy.

I am in Boise Idaho on a sort of weirdly scheduled trip. Anyway, I am staying in a doubletree and it is a really weird place it is only 2 stories but must be a half mile compound. I decided to walk to the lobby...

Sweet almost there...

Must just be around the corner now

Any time now.....

Alright, this has got to be it

What the heck is this?

@&$!$& what is this? Official hotel dungeon?

Strange, strange place



A little while ago we had a Popsicle Playdate. I brought a bunch of popsicles to Nancy's house and we all ate. the little ones really enjoyed them. I think this playdate was a big hit especially for the summer and since I bought the no sugar added kind there weren't any sugar highs to contend with and after they were done with the popsicles we filled up the kiddy pool and let all the little ones clean themselves off. It was a win/win. On Wednesday this week we went with our playgroup to the Aquarium, Nancy's Father is visiting from Argentina and she wanted to take him to the Aquarium, since we love the Aquarium too we just put it on the calendar. We were wild and crazy this time and went without the stroller, the last few times we went to the Zoo we didn't take the stroller and were fine but this was our first time without at the Aquarium. Chance is a great little walker, actually he walks too well sometimes. There were a couple Day camps taking field trips on this day and Chance fits in spots that I don't so there were a few times when he walked right up to the tank but I had to stay back behind the other people which made me a little nervous but he did not see to care at all. All-in-all he did just fine without the stroller, i think next time we are going to shoot for the afternoon when there will be less school/day camp groups.This picture is Chance and Octavian, Octavian (and Nancy) have been regularly attending our playgroup for the longest time nearly a year now so Chance and Octavian know each other and it shows. You can see how much Chance is enjoying himself.

In case anyone is interested my keyboard survived it is missing Capts Lock,F1, F4 and alt. At this time they are no where to be found though the buttons still work. Q and M stick and S and F are now hyper sensative. If he wasn't so cute...

He's a regular artist

Chance still likes to paint but his new medium is ink. He now likes to draw freestyle on white paper with his colored markers. His imagination is really starting to pick up too, he named his drawings for the first time just the other day. I asked him what the first one was and he pointed at the mass of squiggles center bottom and said "house" then he picked up the yellow marker, added lines in an arc over the house and said "sun." I was surprised and really proud. Then a little while later he was drawing some more. I did not ask him what he was drawing this time but he got my attention then pointed at his drawing and said "Spongebob pants" which is what he calls SpongeBob Squarepants, he leaves out the square. The drawings are in order as described. His imagination is picking up in other areas too. You may not know it but the last picture on this post is a Rocket Ship, or at least that is what i am told. The picture of him he is wearing my paint shirt which i made him wear so as not to get his shirt all painty. This is him saying hurry up Mommy I'm done painting and I want to go outside now.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Poor Duck

This was taken a few days ago at Audubon Park.

Play-doh ships

Chance and I were playing with Play-doh today when he stuck a chopstick in his creation and informed me it was a ship. He then sailed it all around the table.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Technical difficulties

Today chance had an exciting adventure, playing with mommies laptop.

After some work, we are still looking for all the keys, although we have made some progress.

Anyway, hopefully mommies blogging capabilities will be back to normal soon.


From Scott

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hanging Out

Since our renters moved out yesterday we went over today to see how the place looked and to get a start cleaning the place up so we can get it back on the market and rented as soon as possible. Chance was having a good time. We brought over his little quad-cycle so he could ride around and since there was almost no furniture in the whole place he could go fast with nothing to stop him which he liked a lot. To save on energy and since it was a really nice day today we had all the windows open while we were working which greatly interested Chance. We lifted him up to look out the window and found that he fits perfectly on the window's sill. He sat there with his legs dangling through the bars waving at people as they passed by on the sidewalk. There is very little damage to the apartment just a couple wear and tear things that are easy fixes and the place wasn't too dirty. We got it mostly clean today and were able to take pictures to get it listed for rent. We want to repaint a few things actually we are thinking of doing one whole room and are also thinking of making a couple little replacement/upgrades like the vents in the ceiling that are really dirty. We can totally see why when you rent an apartment they are always white or off white, I really want to give the place some color but it's hard when you think you are just going to have to paint it again in a year and the people who move in might not take great care of it or might smoke which is why we have to repaint one section of wall, you starting thinking really quick about glossy white paint. In each room the top 1 1/2 feet from the ceiling is white, it's the same on our side, it makes the ceilings look taller but in the apartment side those guys smoked so the white is now yellow, it's awful so that is one part that we must paint before renting it again, the other painting projects we don't have to do but it would be nice. We do our best to keep the apartment side as nice as possible, I don't want to rent a place to someone that I wouldn't want to live in myself.


Originally uploaded by qemorio
Here is the video I was talking about in the last post

Friday, June 05, 2009

Playing at the park

Yesterday we went to the park, actually we go to the park nearly every day that it isn't raining. This day we went back to Audubon Park, one of our favorites we just hung out like we always do. The video is of Chance running around and making Scott sit down so he could run around him. The blogger video uploader doesn't seem to be working so look for the video soon.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Concert and juice box

Last Friday we went to the family concert at the 3 Ring Circus. We had a great time as usual, we danced and sang and we made a craft (mostly I made a craft). A lot of the other little kids had juice boxes that they sell there and Chance wanted one so we got one and I prepared for the worst (squeezing) but he didn't squeeze it at all. He happily drank the juice and watched the band. It was his first juice box! If you remember from last time they let the little guys get up on stage and dance during the show, well this time Chance didn't feel like dancing but he still wanted to watch up close. The band did not mind at all and at one point the drummer gave him a stick during a song and let him play.