Sunday, September 23, 2012

Studying and New Desk

Chance was always interested in reading and writing but since he started school he has been extra into both. Everyday he is drawing and writing notes as soon as he gets home from school and on weekends. The fridge is full of wonderful drawings and sweet notes that he has written recently. Between this and his homework we knew it was time to get him a desk. Luckily we found this awesome old school desk for a great price at an antique shop. IMG_6696 Also, I just snapped this photo of him reading his Knuffle Bunny book in bed. IMG_6700

First Fieldtrip

Last week Chance had his first fieldtrip ever! how exciting is that? I am super excited about it and so was Chance. For the last five weeks of school the Kindergarten classes had been studying fairy tales and so at the end the section they took a trip to Storyland and I volunteered to chaperone. Chance was as excited about riding the bus as he was about going to storyland it seemed. IMG_6718
Storyland is a pretty neat place in City Park, a play area build around fairy tale stories. It was great because we could play and find the characters from the stories they had just been studying. IMG_6733
I had a group of three kids in my care for the trip and they were great. if you look in the previous picture That is my group, Renai on the slide, then Chance of course and Leah behind him. Chance and Leah are good friends in school, more on that later. IMG_6735
 Above L-R: Chance, Leah, Renai
The kids had a great time playing and to fuel all that play we had to stop for lunch. We all sat down together and ate the great lunch that the school packed for us. I have been so interested to see what the school gives Chance for lunch I was really happy to get the opportunity to see for myself. (ham and cheese sandwich, carrot sticks with Italian dressing, a peach, grape juice and animal crackers fyi) IMG_6714 So we have heard a lot about Leah recently, Chance and Leah have become good friends in school even his teachers say they stick together during class. Chance talks about her a lot when he comes home, she is in a lot of his stories. One day last week Chance pulled this little bead out of his pocket and said is was a gift from Leah.