Friday, March 30, 2012


This week Scott and Chance have been doing little models, putting them together and painting them. It looks like so much fun. Here are a few pictures of the process.

picking colors for model car

Chance and Scott painting model car

Chacne painting model car

Finished model car

Chance showing off his airplane model

finished airplane model

easy to spot that red hair

Red hair at the aquarium

playing at the super awesome park

Remember a few posts ago that video of the little quiz Chance took before he went to the park? Well these first couple photos are of him playing at that park. I love that amazing red hair! The last picture is of him after the park, worn out.

playing at the super awesome park

playing at the super awesome park 2

Passed out after the super awesome park

playing with his new beystadium

Chance loves his new beystadium so much he played it in the back seat all the way to Tampa.

playing with his beystadium in the backseat

new shoes

His new shoes (blue) next to his old shoes (green), his feet are growing so fast!

new shoes form the top

New Hair Color.

Chance's blue hair was fading so it was time for something new. when Scott asked him what he wanted to do he said, dye it red. So red it is.

getting his hair did
Little blurry of him with the dye on his hair

New red hair
His new red hair right after it dried.

New clothes new red hair
One of his first outings with his new red hair to the clothing store to get a few new things for summer.
He liked the new clothes he picked out so much that he didn't want to take them off so the clerk picked him up and sat him on the counter to take the security tags off so he could wear them out the door.

Quiz before the park

Here is another video, a cute little quiz Chance took before going to the super mega awesome park.

Chance showing off his new shoes and beystadium

When Chance is staying at the apartment with Scott they make me these great videos to show me what they are up to. This one is just before bedtime. Chance is playing with his new beystadium and showing off his new shoes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trying on hats

Chance and I had some time to kill at the mall recently so we decided to take pictures of ourselves trying on hats. That's a thing people do right? Well, it's a thing we do for fun anyway.
There's one of the two of us then we each get our own mosaic

End of Soccer

Chance had his last soccer game this past Saturday. He has loved playing over the last few months and his skills have improved immeasurably. I am so proud of how he stuck with it and by the end instead of just following the crowd he was watching the ball and running after it.
He really likes being goalie but is also good at attacking the ball out on the field.
Up next is the next level in his swimming lessons but if the last three months are any indication I think there will be more soccer in Chance's future.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Fair

I feel bad that he has to Tilt-A-Whirl by himself but he is having a good time.
Chance on the Tilt-A-Whirl
Chance had never been to the fair before so when I heard the SouthWest Florida fair was coming to town I knew we had to go.

Here he goes round and round very FAST!

It was a mixed bag for me because since we had to go on the weekend they didn't have armbands which means I couldn't get enough tickets to be able to ride with him which means he had to ride everything by himself and even though he is getting old enough for me to let go a bit with things like that it still made me a little sad that he had to ride them all alone.

First time on bumper cars
First time ever riding bumper cars.
He had a great time though, he rode pretty much every thing he wanted to that he was tall enough to ride. He particularly liked the fun houses, I think he went through all of them. He went though them a bit fast, more of a challenge to complete it rather than enjoying the obstacles but still he had a great time.

That is a huge slide but he did it all by himself with a huge smile on his face.

Here he is ready to go zoom zoom.

Look at that smiley face with his drink and Krispy Kreme donut hat. He had a wonderful time at the fair, he said it was his best day ever. That's one of his new things to say, that the day was the best or worst day ever. Even if the statement has to be taken witha grain of salt I am glad that he had a good time.

Blue Hair

Just a couple more pictures of that wonderful blue hair. Plus his new Rockin' outfit.


I love this picture. Chance loves yoga and I really really really want to get him back into a yoga class. Sometimes we do it together using youtube videos and he is amazing. He can be running around having a typical crazy little boy day and when we start to go yoga he calms right down and does all the poses.
Caught a picture of Chance meditating by a fountain.

Chance meditating

Dying his hair

A little while ago I was dying my hair which I do about once per month when Chance walked up to me and said that he too wanted to dye his hair. When I asked him what color he would like to dye it I was naively expecting brown or black but what he said was "blue".

After a Mommy/Daddy powwow we decided Why not? He doesn't go to school yet or have any other rules he has to live by that say he can't so we should go ahead and do it now before all those kind of rules take effect. And so we did.

It's hard to tell in this picture but his hair is actually more blond
He was really good through the whole process which took a while, first we made his hair even more blond so the color would hold. Then we added the blue which meant two rounds of sitting still with stuff on his hair. We all playing board games while we waited. The finished product was well worth the wait.


5 year check up

Chance sitting on the table waiting for the Doctor.
At Chance's 5 year check up in February he was such a great little boy. He did everything the nurses and Doctor asked him to including going into another room by himself to do his sight and hearing tests while I filled out paperwork. Both of which he passed with flying colors. He really liked the hearing test because he got to wear a big headset and tell them which side the sound was coming from.
He is in the 97th percentile for height (47 inches tall) and weight (50.5 pounds) which means he is large on average but perfectly proportioned. His BMI is right in the middle of the scale which basically means he not underweight or overweight. In short he is just perfect.
He received a couple shots, flu and Hep A and they took his blood to check his cholesterol even though I don't think they needed to but it's ok because now we know for sure he does not have any cholesterol problems.
The Doctor did notice a heart murmur when he was listening to Chance's chest. A murmur is simply a small irregularity in his heartbeat. Now here is the thing, after doing some research I found out that it is very possible to have a heart murmur due to stress or exercise as well as actual heart conditions. Upon finding this they wheeled in a small EKG machine and hooked up little wires to sticky things all over Chance's chest and belly. He thought it was fun because he looked like a robot (and wants to be a robot for this Halloween), that EKG did not find any irregularity. Since no other Doctor has mentioned a heart murmur to us at all in the past and the small EKG returned nothing irregular and since Chance shows no other symptoms of heart problems (easily tired, does not like physical activity, chest pain...) we have decided not to do any more testing right now. We could do further EKGs and MIRs and different things but why put us all through that for what is likely nothing.
I promised him a chocolate milkshake if he was good and as we were leaving the office he said "Do I get a milkshake? I only cried a little when they shot me". Of course we stopped for shakes, I mean he was shot for goodness sake and he only cried a very little.