Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Chance is awake for longer and longer periods. Also it seems that when he is awake he is looking around more and interested in things around him more. He also has just started to reach for things. His coordination is still not very good but sometimes you can tell that he is flinging his arms in the direction of your face or a toy you are dangling in front of him. Yesterday I put these rings in his hand just to see what he would do. I set him up on his Boppy pillow and let him have fun. He hasn't really seemed to notice his hands yet without the rings and he didn't seem to notice them with the rings either. He liked to sit up on the Boppy and look around more than he seemed to care about the toy but it was fun all the same. I put the second picture up here even though it is blurry because you can see in his face that he is really having fun. He made lots of smiley faces while he was playing on the pillow but I couldn't get a good one that wasn't blurry this time. I have taken a lot more pictures over the last week or so and I uploaded them to Yahoo so feel free to check them out just follow the link that I think for some reason has moved to the bottom of the page. All Our Photos

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Don't believe a word they say about Shiloh, Chance is the hippest baby on the block. These are some photos of Chance all decked out in his kick butt skull cap, his Little Chopper onesie and his flame BabyLegs. We love BabyLegs by-the-way they are one size and now they hug his legs but have a little fabric scrunched at the top and bottom which leave his feet out and you don't have to take them off for diaper changes. They will grow with him so they will protect his knees and legs when crawling and will leave his feet free for when he starts to walk while being able to still keep his legs warm. Being able to keep his legs warm is a good thing since I haven't found a bootie or sock that will stay on his little feet, he kicks around too much.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Chance and I went to blockbuster the other day and he was very kind to help me carry the movies and microwave popcorn out to the car. He is such a gentleman already.

My Mom and Grandma were here to visit this week. It was really a great experience to have them both here. It is amazing how Grandma's and Great-Grandma's have that thing. They pick up Chance and within a couple minutes (usually not that long) he is quiet. Thay just know how to hold him and all the little tricks and games to play. We went down to the coffee shop every morning for breakfast. One morning we took our camera. One of the ladies who works there calls me caterpillar Momma since Chance looks like a caterpillar when he is in his sling. We asked her to take our picture. This is one of all four of us.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Chance is 5 weeks old today. He is growing so much it is crazy just to watch him. He is getting so much more alert everyday. Just yesterday I showed him a toy and he actually looked at it and followed it around. He has also started making happy faces, smiles and little giggle faces without the giggle sounds. It is funny how a happy face one second can turn to a cry face the next second. It is like he is not sure how he feels about the situation and his emotions are running wild. Sometimes he looks like he is just testing out his face muscles and all the different faces he can make. His little baby acne is getting better hopefully in a few more days his face will be clear again like when he was born. He likes to sit up when he is awake and one thing he likes a lot is to put him up over your shoulder like you are going to burp him and let him look all around the room. Sometimes he tries to crawl up your chest his legs are strong and getting stronger everyday. It seems like he will be crawling in no time with those legs. His personality shows more each day as well. He has also just started to recognize voices and he looks at me when I talk to him. It's amazing to just watch all the new things he can do. He sleeps very well and only wakes up twice per night also I can put him in his crib for naps and when it is night time and he will cry for just a minute and then look around at the crib bumper and his mobile for a while and then go off to sleep it is wonderful. He does such a good job with that. I guess those are all the new things he is doing this week but that is a lot for such a little guy.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

This post is just an excuse to show off more pictures of Chance. With Scott gone we have mostly just been hanging out at the house, sleeping, pooing, eating you know the drill. Today however we went out in search of a geocache. It was a virtual geocache becuase my GPS is not working (I think I need a new one). We went just a few miles down I10 to find a NASA assembly station and there a huge Rocket Booster. It was cold so I just jumped out of the car and back in as quick as I could, Chance waited where it was warm, in the car. After we collected our cache we went grocery shopping. Chance, has been very good every time we have taken him to the store and this time was no different. These pictures are from this morning when I went in to get him out of bed. This monkey was a gift from Kristy while we were in the hospital when Chance was born. In these pictures he is 4 weeks and 2 days old.

Friday, January 19, 2007

This morning like most mornings Chance woke up at 9:00 am (ok a little before, but who's keeping track). I fed him, dressed him and then brought him into our room which seems to be the trend as he is wide awake at 9:00am and will not go back to sleep right then. We usually play with him a little bit and lay him down on our bed while we get up and take turns watching Chance and getting dressed. He was all wrapped up in one of his new little blankets when he fell back to sleep on our bed. I thought he looked like one of those GlowWorms that light up everyone used to have. Ok maybe only I used to have one but hopefully you know what I am talking about. He is just the height of cuteness and so I had to take some more pictures of him. He is 4 weeks and 1 day old today. You can see how he has grown from looking at the pictures on this blog. He is growing but he is still just a little GlowWorm.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Chance is 4 weeks old today. I can't tell you how wonderful he is. He sleeps a lot but is starting to be awake more and willing to play a little. Today I read the entire Mr. Skinny story to him without him getting fussy. He is right now half asleep on my chest while I type. Scott left today on his first work trip since Chance was born. It was really good to have him home and I miss him lots already. So far though, Chance and I are holding up the fort ok. I have not been able to get any good pictures of Chance today to really show off how he is growing but these are a few I took today anyway.

These are the developmental milestones that should be accomplished by the end of the first month.
- Lifts head for short periods of time
- Moves head from side to side
- Prefers the human face to other shapes
- Makes jerky, arm movements
- Brings hands to face
- Has strong reflex movements
- Can focus on items 8 to 12 inches away
- May turn towards familiar sounds or voices
- Responds to loud sounds
- Blinks at bright lights
he does all of these plus some of the two and three month milestones. He does new things everyday for him and for us. He has these little fake cries that are so cute. He is alert for a while every few hours with his eyes wide open and looking around. He loves to stare out windows and watch the shadows that the fans blades make on the celing. He is also starting to wake up so we are going to go now to eat and to take a bath. P.S. in this last picture I think that is a little smile.
check it out

Monday, January 15, 2007

Scott and Chance watching the Saints win last Saturday's game.

Ok Scott was watching and Chance was just hanging out with us.

They made it to the playoffs and won their first playoff game in Saints history so I guess I have to say I am a fan now.

Go Saints!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Chance's first bath. Since his cord stump fell off a few days ago he was able to take his first tub/sink bath yesterday and here are pictures from the experience. He seemed to hate the sponge baths we were giving him. I think because we could never get it warm enough and as the water evaperated he got cold and was miserable. Sitting in the warm water though he seemed very happy. The sink was ok but next time I am going to try his little tub because it has better support for him. It was hard to hold him and wash him at the same time. He started to cry once and I just laid the warm wet washcloth over his chest and he was quiet again. In this last one you can see a little of the dirty dishes that are still in the other side of the sink. It is the perfect picture of what life with a baby is like. Yes, there are dirty dishes but the baby takes center stage.

Chance is 3 weeks old today. We went to the Pediatrician, Dr. Morgan, today just to follow up with his weight and his umbilical cord to make sure he was on the right track. Good news, He is doing perfect. He gained 1 pound and 4 ounces in the last two weeks for a grand total of 8 pounds and 14 ounces. His head is 34 centimeters in diameter and he is now 22 and 1/2 inches long. He only grew 1/2 inch taller, that is why he is getting a little chubbier. He has a little acne which is normal as the rest of my hormones leave his body. Dr. Morgan put some ointment on his belly button to finish drying it out. Chance got some of it on his hands which has left a brown stain that will wear off in a few days but for now it looks like someone gave him a chocolate bar. These pictures are from this morning when we were getting dressed. He gets up promptly at 9am and then stays awake for about 30 minutes and is then ready to go back to sleep again this is from the time he was ready to go back to sleep. He is so cute I take a ton of pictures all the time. Today alone I think I have taken like 15 pictures and nothing special has happened. Also this onesie is great so I tried to take some good pictures of him in it. I uploaded all the pictures I took to Yahoo which you can link to at the Right hand side of the page "All Our Photos"

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Finally! Chance lost his umbilical cord stump last night. He was kind of a late bloomer on this one since most babies loose theirs in the first ten days but better late than never. His belly button is still a little red. Our next Doctor's appointment is thie Thursday so she will be able to look at it and make sure everything is ok.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Scott's Mom (Grandma G./G.G.) was here with us visiting for the past two weeks. She lives in Portland, Oregon so it was great that she was able to come visit to see Chance, actually to see all of us. She left last Friday to head back home but first we snapped a few pictures. Chance is very social, he doesn't seem to mind who is holding him he is always content. Of course, Grandma's have something special that babies seem to understand. Three generations here with Scott his Mom and Chance.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Chance is two weeks old! Every time I turn around he is another milestone older. One week...ten days...and now two weeks. Of course I have a bunch of new pictures of him it seems like I take new pictures everyday. He is so photogenic. He is still doing very well, we put him on a schedule for night sleeping and he seems to be taking to it but it will take a few more days to tell for sure. Right now he is sleeping in his crib for a little nap. He has been a little grumpy yesterday and today, I think it is because we have been trying to keep him up too long during the day so I put him in his crib and he is sleeping and keeping himself busy in there which is wonderful. These are a few photos to see how he is growing. He doesn't look or feel a lot bigger just a little more "fleshed out" he isn't so curled up in a ball any more he is stretching out. He is also much more alert and keeping his eyes open and looking around for longer periods during the day (and at night).

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Baby loves the sling. Chance loves to be carried in his sling. It is great for taking him anywhere. We walk all over the Quarter with him in it and he loves it. Being in the sling he is warm, it is kind of dark and he is close to me so he can hear my heartbeat also he is rocked while I walk so it is perfect. It puts him to sleep nearly every time we go out and this is a picture I took of him after we got home the other day.
When I took the sling off he was fast asleep so we just let him sleep in it on the couch for a little while. He is all dressed up in his "I Love Daddy" tattoo onesie. It is sooooo cute.

Monday, January 01, 2007

11 Days old. That's right Chance is 11 days old today! The past 11 days have gone by so fast but in other ways, like sleep, it has been very long. I took some pictures of him yesterday and thought I would post one from when he was one day old Then one from yesterday so you all could see the difference. He raises his head and looks around a bit now and he is awake for a while during the day. His eyes are open and he is looking around a lot more than just a few days ago. Last night he slept from 3 to 6 am and then again from 6am to 8:30am which to someone without kids doesn't seem like a lot but he did that without crying so he is doing wonderful. I slept a bit last night and the night before. Thank God!!