Friday, January 17, 2014

Climbing Higher


Yesterday Chance and I went to City Park. It was a little chilly but it was such a nice sunny day we couldn't stay inside. While there Chance worked hard to climb this huge tree near the playground.


It is tall and the trunk is very slippery, I was super impressed when he made it this far.  He said he wanted to go farther but he was scared.  I reminded him that he should go as far as he feels comfortable and as long as he is careful everything would be ok.


He sat in the first spot for a while but then decided to go for it and head out on the branch. He was very brave.


When he got way up here he said "This is really scary but I'm facing my fears" I know all little kids say things every once in a while that make their parents super proud and this was one of those moments for me. He physically worked hard to get up there and he mentally worked hard to get up there too. He said the very was beautiful.

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