Sunday, July 11, 2010

Powell Butte Nature Park

Portland is known for it's parks and we had a wonderful time this week exploring the ones nearby. We walked the trails at Powell Butte Nature Park through meadowlands and cedar groves (the first picture is Scott and Chance in the meadow walking toward the cedar grove in the background). Chance was running and ready to go when we started and although he had the adventuring spirit he was a little tired near the end and started to whine. Whining gets you nothing especially not carried to the car so after a brief rest we pressed on with a whiner in tow. It's kind of humorous because with his vocabulary he now says things like "I'm going to die" and "the car is too far I'll never make it." Despite his best verbal efforts to thwart us we all three pressed on down the trail. When Chance saw that we had indeed made it back to the parking lot he said "I made it" and you could obviously hear the amazement in his voice. For a few moments there he really thought he wasn't going to make it so when we finally arrived he was a bit unbelieving. We gave him lots of praise and told him we knew he could do it, he had a huge smile on his face.

Even though these are out of order this was our first hiking/walking adventure this week and I am happy to report Chance had no trouble keeping up or believing in himself for any of the rest of our explorations.

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