Sunday, March 21, 2010

And then there was a pony aka Sofia's Birthday Party

Sofia, one of the little girls in our playgroup turned 3 years old recently so they threw a party at her house to celebrate. We had been to her house before so Chance knew where we were headed, he had a great time as usual playing with toys and eating cake, actually two cakes. The first cake was a home made one that was built to look like the Grinch but at the last minute it fell over so Sofia's Grandma ran out to get one form the grocery store but so she didn't feel bad about the first cake we all ate a piece of that one too which was really tasty even if it did fall in on itself.
An hour into the party a pony showed up. Chance followed me to pet the pony then he went back inside to play with cars while the other little kids waited in line for their turn. When everyone else had gone I went in to fetch Chance. He wasn't scared at all and he did a good job of holding on tight, he seemed to enjoy riding on the pony but as soon as his turn was over he went back inside to play with cars again. What I learned from this is riding a pony is ok but its not worth getting his own pony for a future birthday because he would just as soon play with cars. In this house ponies are decidedly for girls.

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

I like the look on his face. I think he is still thinking about those cars inside. LOL Tyler got on his first pony this weekend, not for a ride, but for a photo and I think I was more excited than he was.It would be different if ponies came with wheels I think. LOL