Sunday, August 03, 2008

Warbird Park

We went to another great park. We passed by it a couple times because it is between the hotel and doggie daycare. Then we stopped by two days in a row. One day just me, Chance and Deedle then we stopped by again the next day with Scott, he had Saturday off. This is another park built on land that used to be an air force base. The base has not been around since 1990 as I understand but they have built a few nice parks here so at least they are using the land for good things. In this park there are three big planes on display. Chance seemed more interested in the wheels on the planes than the planes himself but another interesting thing about this park is it is built right next to the commercial airport and there is an observation area with benches set up. so you can sit and watch planes take off and land on the runway which Chance liked. Once he saw the planes in the sky he would stop whatever he was doing and look up into the sky to see the planes whenever he would heard one taking off. I think that is the first time he has ever actually seen the planes in the sky. When we cam back with Scott my camera was a little fogged up but you can still see that crazy smile Chance likes to give the camera and Scott walking Deedle. Saturday was a big day for all of us in the morning we went to the Beach in our swimming suits and everything. We did not take any stills but Scott took some video so we will be posting some of that here soon but probably not until we get back home. Chance loved the beach. He liked the water and getting all dirty in the sand. We also liked picking up shells and throwing back into the water. Scott and I walking him out into the waves and lifted him up as the waves came. He giggled and kept taking us back out into the water for more. We found quite a few pretty shells and two shark's teeth. I hope to go back to the beach for some more swimming before we leave. The water here is much nicer than Biloxi, The way the water in Biloxi just sits there with no waves or little movement at all kind of makes me think of stagnant water that you are supposed to stay out of but here there are little waves and shells to collect and it is just nice.

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