Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chance likes to climb in

Remember what seems like such a long time ago so it is sitting where he wants it before he climbs in so he is still in the now when I would post pictures of Chance in the laundry basket? Well back then I used to lift him up and set him in the basket for the photo opp but not any more. He has figured out how to get in and out of the basket all by himself. He tosses a bunch of his little cars in the basket and then climbs in himself. He sits for a long time (in baby time about ten minutes) and drives the cars all along the rim of the basket. He will also pull the basket around to where he wants it so he does not get left out of any action that may be going on at the time. In addition to his basket climbing skills he has also been working on his dipping skills. He discovered the joys of dipping things in Ketchup not too long ago and now he has started enjoying soy sauce. We have been getting frozen Gyoza from the local Asian Food Market and eating it a lot lately. We dip each piece in soy sauce so he needs to dip it in soy sauce too. I thought he wouldn't like it so much but he really does.

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

Ok this might sound crazy, but today I was just remembering Chance going in the laundry basket and here I check your blog and you did a post on this. I think my husband's psychic abilities are rubbing off on me.

Anyway, Tyler is really big into dipping too. He loves all kinds of condiments just so that he can dip.