Saturday, June 21, 2008

18 Months Old

18m Chance on couch
Chance is 18 months old today. He is running around like crazy, he still is not at a full run but he is working on it and everyday he is getting faster. Scott came home on Friday night so we all just hung out today. We do not have many plans for this weekend but we have a full week this week, more on that later. Anyway, Chance is communicating a lot more as well instead of crying he is actually trying to tell us things. He will point or take our hand and walk us to something then point when we can not reach whatever he is after. His word count is still not very high but he is communicating a lot and he understands over half of everything that we say, he also follows direction well and he has surprising me recently by understanding things that we ask him to do that we never have asked him before just by understanding the individual words we are saying so we are not too worried about him not saying a lot of actual words, we will see what the Doctor says on Monday which is when we take him for his 18 month appointment. He is also drawing well scribbles and circles which seems to make a difference in this list. He became more picky with his foods a month or so ago but it is actually loosening up a bit now. He also self feeds with a spoon and a fork and as he learns to use a fork he is becoming better with it than he is with a spoon because things fall off of a spoon when you turn it and if yo poke it right the first time then things do not fall off of a fork. he brushes his teeth no problem and will take off his shirt with little to no help as well as his diaper and thank goodness there was nothing in it the time that happened. He climbs on all kinds of things as I have posted before but has yet to climb out of his crib which is a good thing. He has started taking toys apart and putting them together and all I have to say about that is, poor Mr. Potato Head. We are not worrying about the potty training yet but he might be showing signs I am not sure yet. I found this list here. Chance found the paint roller and began rolling it through the house, thankfully it was a new roller.

Most toddlers should be able to . . .

Draw a scribble well

Run well

Become picky about certain foods

Say at least 15 or 20 words

Feed self with spoon

Some toddlers will probably be able to . . .

String more words together to make phrases or puts together pairs of words

Talk more clearly

Brush teeth with help

Take off an article of clothing alone

Jump around

Some toddlers could possibly be able to . . .

Take apart toys and sometimes puts them back together

Show signs of potty training

Climb out of crib and high chair

Take off clothes

Draw circles

Understand two part directions

18m rolling the floor good

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