Saturday, May 03, 2008

Rainy Day

Rain rain go away. When we first went outside I didn't know it was raining. Really it was just sprinkling then but when I decided we should go back inside
I noticed Chance was having such a good time that since it was not thundering or raining too hard. I sat in the doorway while he played. He got soaked, it was so funny. He promptly walked to the downspout and sat down right in the stream water. He played and played. He stood under the water that was dripping off of the roof and laughed. He spent a good bit of time trying to push rocks up into the spout and laughing as they came back out. We finished ripping up all the grass in the yard a couple days ago and now we are working on lining the yard and the future flower beds with brick. Today we bought some soil, grass seed and fertilizer. We will start laying out the seed in the next couple days and see how that turns out. Also while we were out today we bought a little bird feeder and some seed that I am going to hang outside the kitchen window tomorrow. A couple things that Chance is doing that are new. He has learned the color Red. If we lay out a few items and ask him which one the red one is he will point to the red one. He gets it right nearly every time.
He also knows where his feet are as well as his nose and his ears. Sometimes he will switch the ears and nose around like pointing to his ear when I ask him where his nose is but he is getting it. The other day when I asked him to hold my hand while he walked and he put his hand right in mine so I also think he knows what hands are but he isn't pointing them out when I ask him yet. He is starting to guide me in the direction he wants to go with his hand while he is walking which is very cute.

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