Sunday, June 17, 2007

I am posting the 6 month update a little early because we are going to visit Scott’s parents from June 19th to July 8th and I want to tell everyone how own little guy it doing. I have copied the six month milestones and am happy to report Chance does every single one of them. He is sitting up without help from me or by using his hands to hold him up. He doesn’t laugh out loud very much but he ‘talks’ quite a bit. He talks to Rosco and to me and to himself. He isn’t really crawling yet, when I put him on his tummy he can move every direction except forward. But just today I noticed him wiggling forward a little. He is always reaching for objects in front of him but can’t quite make it yet. He is still very social and doesn’t have any anxiety about strangers. He rolls from back to front and front to back easily and often. He understands his name and Mommy and Rosco I know that he understands what the bottle is and pacifier is and now the spoon he also knows that he sleeps in his room. In the morning when I get him up and ready then we go out in the living room to have his morning bottle if I forget something in his room like the boppy pillow when I go back for it he starts to cry because he thinks I am going to put him back in the crib.
The other day he was looking at me through the mirror and then he would turn his head and look at me and then look at me through the mirror and then look at me. It was like I was in two places at the same time, he was so cute trying to figure it out.
I have been trying to teach him to stay away from the garbage can when in his walker and it is starting to work. When I say ‘no’ he stops and looks at me like he is trying to understand but just doesn’t quite get it yet. Then, of course he goes right back to the garbage but it is a step in the right direction.
When he drops his pacifier he tries to put it back in his mouth but usually picks it up by the wrong end and tries to fit the hard plastic part in his mouth. Well he has figured out a better way he flips the pacifier nipple side up and pulls it close to him then when on his tummy he lowers his face over the pacifier and grabs it with his mouth. I think this is ingenious.
He is almost too big for the car seat and I think we will have to look into getting him a convertible car seat soon and by soon I mean a couple weeks. I weighed him at home today and he weighs 20 pounds he is very tall as well. He is completely out of 3 – 6 month clothes and fits into most 6 – 9 month close but just today I tried on a 6 – 9 month outfit and it is tight from neck to buttons so that one won’t last long. His tooth hasn't made an appearance again yet. His next Doctor’s appointment is on July 9th. We are looking forward to the trip, I will try to update as much as I can from there which should be often because I am bringing my laptop and they have fast internet.

Body Movement
* Lifts chest and most of tummy off floor by pushing up on extended arms.
* Rolls from back to tummy easily.
* Rocks and kicks a lot. Rolls around in delight.
* Sits erect briefly, using hands on floor for balance and support.
* Bounces when held erect. Likes seeing the world when standing.

Eye-Hand Coordination
* Uses one-handed purposeful grasp to shake, bang, put object in mouth, then finally drop it. *Enjoys dropping objects repeatedly to learn the noises they make.
* Uses whole hand to rake in and pick up small object.
* Regularly reaches for objects out of her reach.
* Grabs and sucks on her own and your body parts to differentiate herself from you as two separate individuals

Thinking Skills
* Follows your direction of pointing. May point at new things.
* Babbles and "talks" to toys and to himself in mirror. Intently listens to his own voice.
* Understands your speech by the tone of your voice.
* Recognizes names, basic words, familiar household sounds.
* Enjoys manipulating other people's faces by poking, pulling and studying them to understand his separateness from them.

Emotional Development
* Very sociable -- smiles, laughs hilariously and enjoys being with people. May be more selective about with whom she socializes.
* When she can't do something, may become frustrated, whine or explode in rage.
* Smiles at herself in the mirror (but does not recognize it is her reflection until she is more than one year old).
* Is very curious to explore the world around her.
* Plays by herself longer because she can sit better now.
* Appears to make decisions when choosing to play with toys.

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