Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just look at those chubby cheeks. They are so cute I just want to pinch them every time I look at them. Today we went to Barnes and Noble for story time. He didn't really pay much attention to the story. Mostly he was looking at all the people around him. He was very good the whole time. They made a turtle craft after the story, instead of making the turtle I drew a smiley face on the little paper plate and Chance proceeded to eat it. I put it in the stroller but now can't seem to find it so it may still be in the car. He had a lot of fun. I got to see a few of the people I worked with and some of the Moms that I used to read storytime to were there with their children so it was cool getting to show Chance off to them. After our outing Chance went right to sleep so here are some great pictures of him jsut sleeping it off. He has a couple of these outfits with collars and buttons like a pollo shirt and I think he looks so grown up in them. After his nap today he kept smacking his lips kind of like a kiss. It was so cute, he gets plenty of kisses so maybe he was trying to make a kissing noise. The weather is kind of crappy today but if it is better tomorrow I think we will go to the park and try swinging on the swings.

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