Friday, April 06, 2007

Chance was a little grumpy today just one of those days I guess. It is cold so we haven't been able to sit outside and he really likes that, It's also an easy thing for me to do with him to keep him happy. I got him these Baby Einstein block the other day he really seems to like the Red one which rattles, the yellow one has a duck on it that quacks when you push on it and he likes that one too the other ones he could take of leave at this point. The first picture I am helping him sit up and he is grabbing for the block the second picture is what happens when I let go of him. He slides over onto my leg. He also rolled from his back to his front today. Just once and it happened so fast I almost missed it but he did it all by himself.
I took a video with my digital camera when we were in Florida of Chance playing in his Gymini, there is no sound and the quality is horrible but if you would like to check it out go here I am going to get Scott to set up the good video camera here so I can take videos and put them up for all to see. Those will be worth watching.

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