Saturday, January 20, 2007

This post is just an excuse to show off more pictures of Chance. With Scott gone we have mostly just been hanging out at the house, sleeping, pooing, eating you know the drill. Today however we went out in search of a geocache. It was a virtual geocache becuase my GPS is not working (I think I need a new one). We went just a few miles down I10 to find a NASA assembly station and there a huge Rocket Booster. It was cold so I just jumped out of the car and back in as quick as I could, Chance waited where it was warm, in the car. After we collected our cache we went grocery shopping. Chance, has been very good every time we have taken him to the store and this time was no different. These pictures are from this morning when I went in to get him out of bed. This monkey was a gift from Kristy while we were in the hospital when Chance was born. In these pictures he is 4 weeks and 2 days old.

1 comment:

We are the Taylors said...

Alright, Chance is now offically a Geocacher. My kind of guy!!