Monday, September 28, 2009

Florida and NC

This morning when we woke up there was a message telling Scott he had to head out to North Carolina as soon as possible. Which is pretty crappy but I am happy we are still in Florida so Chance and I won't be alone for the next few days.

So, this afternoon I dropped Scott off at the airport while my sister watched Chance. Thankfully Scott will be back on Thursday evening so we can still celebrate his birthday on Friday.

These are a few pictures of Scott and Chance I have taken over the last few days.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hanging in FL

We are back in Fort Myers for my ten year high school reunion. The actual reunion isn't until Friday and Saturday so we have been doing fun and interesting things in town.

Yesterday we went to Centennial Park (pic #1). We looked at all the sailboats and yachts in the marina then walked out onto the pier. The air smelled of sunshine and water, it was wonderful. I am searching for black boots to match my reunion putfit so after the park we went to the mall. They have added coin opperated ride on toys all through the mall which is kind of annoying. We had just enough to ride one time so Chance picked the one he wanted and drove.

Today our exploring took us to Best Buy which has completely changed, at least the one here has. There are stations to play all different kinds of games. Chance sat down at the drumset to Rock Band had a good time playing. He played through the whole song and got a 30% which is pretty good considering none of us know how to play the game.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


One of Chance's new things to do is jump. He jumps onto things and off of things and from one thing to another. He has started pushing the ottoman and the couch together so he can jump between them even though he knows he isn't supposed to.

He also jumps off of the arms of the couch when we aren't looking. It's a fine line between when you are and aren't allowed to jump and what you are and aren't allowed to jump on which he is still learning about but for now he sneaks his jumping fun when he can.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sargento Playdate

Yesterday we had a playdate at our house sponsored by and Sargento. Much like the Splenda party we had a while back. It was fun and everyone got free Sargento salad finishers to take home. We all are mini salads and talked while the little ones played. Chance was really good about sharing his toys, he shared a lot of cars with one of the newest members of our group, Avi, as you can see in the second picture.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just some pictures

These are a a few pictures from a while ago. I can't remember if I showed them to you but according to my organizational system on my computer I haven't so , enjoy.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Storyland Playdate

Thursday was a busy day for us, in the morning we had a playdate at storyland. Chance really likes storyland and the older he gets the more there is for him to explore. He drove the fire truck, slid down the big slide and the little slide again and again before we decided to let the little guys get in the water. Chance also loves the water so that made his storyland adventure even better. Also, Chance's vocabulary is getting so good he has started really talking to other little kids. At one point there was a little boy who wasn't sure about going down the slide so Chance told him how to do it, he pointed and said 'sit' then 'go down' and after Chance got to the bottom he stood with Frankie's Mom coaxing him down by saying 'come on Frankie.'

Then after Chance's nap we all got dressed up to go to our friend Andrea's house. Andrea just had a new baby boy, Avi and they were having a Bris celebration to welcome him to the family and the community. It was interesting to see all of the Jewish traditions and wonderful to be a part of it all. I am so glad she invited us. Chance was a very good little boy, he was concerned when Avi was crying but he had a good time playing with Octavian and Alyssa from our playgroup who were there. Alyssa is Avi's big sister.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

And then it rained

And rained. Yesterday we had a nice morning, we woke up did our usual things around the house and then headed out to the zoo. It looked a little like rain but it was a great day to go, there was hardly anyone there so we were able to see everything we wanted. It rained a little while we were there but it worked out perfectly. We came home and as Chance napped in his room, Scott and I napped in the living room. It started raining again, after a while we heard our neighbors outside talking but we were both trying to ignore them and get our nap in while we could then Scott heard one of them say they were afraid to try and move the car. That was when he knew he had to look outside.
Turns out our street was totally flooded. It was up over the curb onto the sidewalk and right at the bottom seam of the doors on our car. It is amazing how quickly the water came up, it went from sprinkling to two feet of water in the road within two hours and I can totally see how easy it would be to be stuck in a flood. At the point we woke up both of our cars were useless so we would have already been walking out if the water had kept coming up. Thankfully it did not, soon after we woke up the water finally started to drain. We were worried about our car but other than shooting a lot of water out of the exhaust it seems to be ok, our neighbors car took on some water but will be ok too.
After all that and since it was still raining a bit we built a fort inside with a sheet and chairs for Chance. He enjoyed it as much for getting under as he did for rolling his cars around on top.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Walk in the park

In City Park there is an arboretum with trails that are great for hiking. We have been there a few times going a different way each time this time we found a wonderful spot with a swing hanging in a big Oak tree near the water and plenty of shade. We had a good time taking turns swinging with Chance.