Chance is 10 months old today. He is active and happy and I think generally a wonderful baby. The months have flown by but I have done my best to enjoy every minute of it. Chance and I have grown comfortable with each other and that makes things easier, I feel like I know him now and he is not jsut a little stranger in the house. He does such funny things who needs television, as a matter of fact we just got rid of our cable, seriously with a baby at home the only station I need is PBS.
We watch Sesame Street pretty much every day, Chance loves it. Other than that and an occational Baby Einstein we don't watch much TV. He is so active he crawls around everywhere and plays by himself a lot now. When he becomes bored with something he doesn't cry, he crawls away and finds something else to do. He also loves the bathroom so we try to keep him out of there. He recently learned that there is water in the toilet and he loves water so... enter baby gate (AKA guitar amp) We are going to upgrade to a real baby gate in the new house because this one will
not work for long.
He also makes a B-line for the refridgerator any time it is open and gets upset when we don't let him play in it but he is getting over that.
He has moved to just one nap most days now but he is sleeping in between an hour and a half hour more each morning so it evens out. Somedays when he is cranky I put him down for a second nap and Baby Tad ( a frog stuffed animal that plays music and games) helps with his soft bed time music. In his efforts to always move more he has climbed up on the couch a couple times all by himself when he masters that it will be a whole other type of baby proofing. He still likes to take everything out of anything, purses, boxes, shelves it does not matter.
He is getting
better at putting his rings back on the stick though. Every night before we read our books before bed we pick up all our toys. I do most of this but I am trying to teach him we pick up at the end of the day and hopefully he will get it in the future and help pick up.
Now that he has two teeth we brush his teeth every day. He first time He didn't want to let me keep the brush in his mouth but I showed him what to do on my own teeth and then he let me brush his two little teeth and his gums. He used to chew on my fingers a bit but now I have to be careful because it hurts, his little teeth are sharp.
He is a professional cruiser now, he can pull up on anything and walk all around that thing just barely holding on. Sometimes he only holds on witht eh tips of his fingers. When I try to hold his hands and let him walk though he doesn't seem to interested yet he wants to get down and crawl around. He doesn't understand what walking can offer yet.
He claps and does high fives but he doesn't wave goodbye, I think that most babies say
bye to at least one parent almost every day and so they get the opportunity to learn and use the gesture a lot, but Chance sasy bye to Daddy once per week and bye to me less than that. We see the occational person to say bye to but I don't think he gets as much exposer to it as other babies. He will clap on demand I think he understands the word Clap. He will play Patty Cake with me. He also understands his name and No and Outside (I think) and Bottle. He says Dada but we still aren't 100% sure he means Scott we also think he said No once but as for a first word that we are 100% sure about that hasn't really happened yet. He responds to No most of the time.
He uses his finger and thumb to grasp thing with no problem at all and can use his sippy cup well now, he has started drinking apple juice and white grape juice and some water.
He doesn't really indicate what he wants without crying. Well, he crawls over to get what he wants instead of crying for you to get it for him but he doesn't point once he gets there if he can't reach it. So I guess that one if on the fence.
He doesn't stand alone well or take a few steps he isn't interested in walking yet. Everything else he does to some extent. I used this milestone list this time b
ecause it isn't quite so cut and dry and I like that.
In the first picture, no the car isn't moving. We are just hanging out because we were early for an appointment. These last two pictures are so cute. It's his Bad Ass outfit and pose. You can see Baby Tad in these pictures. In the beginning we likes Baby Tad more than Chance but now he helps with naps and with Diaper changes which have become a lot more pleasant with him around.
Most babies should be able to . . .
1. Stand holding on to someone or something
2. Walk holding onto furniture
3. Pull up to standing position from sitting
4. Wave goodbye
5. Crawl well
6. Use thumb and finger pincer grasp to pick things up
Some babies will probably be able to . . .
1. Say mama and dada to the right parents
2. Understand the word no but doesn’t always obey it
3. Respond to own name
4. Indicate what he or she wants with gestures other than crying
5. Stand alone momentarily
Some babies could possibly be able to . . . 1. Drink from a cup independently
2. Stand alone well
3. Play ball and patty cake
4. Walk for a step or two
5. Say one word other than mama or dada
6. Put toys or object into a container